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Meridian Health

Overall Rating 2
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100 Commons Way # 160, Holmdel, NJ 07733, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.4124616°
Longitude: -74.1493001°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 732-450-2930

Map of the Meridian Health in Holmdel City

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Reviews to Meridian Health

Reviewed November 22, 2013 14:56
Review rating 2
- Poor #39009
Went there for an MRI and after I got the bill, I discovered that their price is more than three times as much as an independent MRI center. In fact, my out of pocket cost is more than what it would have cost me at the independent MRI centers that I contacted. I am on the hook for over $1000 due to high deductible I carry.

The MRI machine that Meridian used was over a decade old, whereas other places use current state-of-the-art machines and some even use open MRI machines.

I am still waiting for the bill from the Radiologist at Meridian. With the independent MRI centers, the Radiologist's fee is included.

To be very fair. the Meridian facility and staff were good.

When I called Meridian billing to complain, the agent justified the fee because Meridian is a hospital.

Since this was authorized by my insurance company I did not check the fees before going for the MRI. This was my fault.

Lesson: If you want to lower your health care cost, only you can do it, not the insurance company.

Hope this helps others.

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