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Manhattan Medical

Overall Rating 3.2
Total votes: 5
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934 Manhattan Ave # 1, Brooklyn, NY 11222, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7312662°
Longitude: -73.9540606°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-389-8585

Map of the Manhattan Medical in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Manhattan Medical

Reviewed January 2, 2016 17:19
- Very Good #36813
Place is OK but the staff could be better.
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Reviewed December 1, 2015 00:09
- Very Good #36812
I know there are long waiting lines but... if one wants to see a good doctor it may take even longer than 1.5 h. Based on my experience with some other clinics this one is good. Just bring something to read and relax... :).
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Reviewed November 8, 2011 13:16
- Poor #36814
I think this place is probably just fine if you avoid one doctor, Dr. Lerch. Dr. Lerch has the worst bedside manner of any doctor I have ever encountered, he also requested that I have a completely unnecessary hearing test done when I came in with the flu. It turns out he has a habit of doing this & I have found negative reviews of him all over the web complaining about the hearing test too. I would say this place is a good resource as long as you don't have the wrong doctor.
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Reviewed November 21, 2007 02:18
- Terrible #36815
Warning!!! Extremely slow service, too many customers, wait time is ridiculously long. I spend 1.5 hour waiting for Dr. Gliva and decide to go back home before seeing her. I strongly believe that owners of this medical center are overbooking all doctors in order to make better profits. (I wonder how medical insurance companies see these practices) Last week I try visit dermatologist and had same problem. If you like to waste time in waiting room and read old newspapers go ahead and make an appointment. But if you are smart please take your sickness somewhere ales and get help before you really get sick.

Kolejki, kolejki I wieczne czekanie na doktora. Co tu więcej mówić, znamy to wszyscy? Po ostatniej wizycie czułem się jak w Polsce a przecież nie po to do USA przyjechałem żeby powtórkę z przeszłości przechodzić. Czekałem na moją kolej 1.5 godziny i zdecydowałem się na opuszczenie placówkę przed widzeniem lekarza. Tydzień wcześniej miałem ten sam problem. W dalszym ciągu nie uzyskałem pomocy i postanowiłem leczyć się gdzie indziej. Serdecznie odradzam wszystkim szukania pomocy medycznej w 934 Manhattan Ave. Brooklyn NY 11222. A jeśli masz wolny czas i ochotę poczytać gazety to zapraszam do Manhattan Medical na przegląd starej prasy.
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