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Madison Skin Laser Center

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 2
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161 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10016, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7467119°
Longitude: -73.9832775°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-686-7546

Map of the Madison Skin Laser Center in New York City

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Reviews to Madison Skin Laser Center

Reviewed January 4, 2015 01:30
Review rating 5
- Excellent #22742
I absolutely love this place! I had Jeanne who really took care of my skin and she made me feel comfortable and relaxed throughout my entire microdermabrasion. It can be a challenge to find the best licensed medical aesthetician. Jeanne is the Best! Wonderful, warm and friendly and will answer any of your questions. Ladies this is the place to get treatments.
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Reviewed May 24, 2011 14:40
Review rating 3
- Average #22743
First: I came with a few Groupons for a glycolic or microderm.

I never got in on time. The wait was between a half-hour and a full hour for my appointments, and once I had to ask her to cut it short because it was so late.

They tried to sell sell sell. Whatever I came for wasn't right, but they knew something else, incidentally more expensive, that would be. Or maybe I needed more treatments. It depended who I got. Each aesthetician said something completely different. They even described the effects of the glycolic peel differently. One said to wait a month between peels and abrasions; one only a couple of weeks.

In total, after two glycolics and two microderms: I see zero difference in my skin.
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