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Madison Plastic Surgery

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 4
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110 E 66th St, New York, NY 10065, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.766849°
Longitude: -73.966153°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-628-7600
Official website

Map of the Madison Plastic Surgery in New York City

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Reviews to Madison Plastic Surgery

Reviewed July 7, 2016 16:38
Review rating 1
- Terrible #172078
this doctor is THE WORST doctor in the world.. i went to him for a cysts that was the size of a pea behind each one of my nipples, my chest looked fine and it was not visible, but this guy said it should be removed.... so i listened to him and had the surgery, then about 1 week after surgery when he took the bandages and drains out out asked him why my chest looks indented and my nipples were all on even. he said its in my head and will go away... well its about 12 years later and i can not wear any fitted tshirts and have not been to the beach in over a decade and i had about 30,000$ in reconstructive surgery and it still looks horrible.and every doctor says the same thing... im so sorry i dont know how this guy would even mess up such a minor surgery do bad.. THANKS DOC, ITS OVER A DECADE LATER AND IT STILL EFFECTS MY EVERY DAY LIFE...... YOUR AN AWFUL MAN,
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