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M & L Milevoi

Overall Rating 1.5
Total votes: 2
Mark as been there


2074 Steinway St, Astoria, NY 11105, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7750312°
Longitude: -73.903663°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-726-1461

Map of the M & L Milevoi in Queens City

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Reviews to M & L Milevoi

Reviewed March 5, 2015 17:02
Review rating 2
- Poor #209500
This building has so much potential, but there is nobody to take care of it. Management and the super do only the bare minimum, if they even do that. There are always issues with the water here. Either there is no hot water or no running water at all. The worse part of it is that tenants are never notified. I have been trying to get the super to fix a leak that runs through a part of my wall and my ceiling by the entrance of the apartment, but when he comes up to my apartment, it is only to provide false hope, because he will just look at it and say he is gonna fix it later. This has been the station for months. I have two small children, so i have already called 311. I hope something is done soon. The roof is literally falling on us. My rent is NOT cheap either, I pay 1376 for a 2 bedroom apartment. This is the 2nd and last year i will live here!!!
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