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Lisa Sand, LCSW

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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108 Baker St, Maplewood, NJ 07040, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.730362°
Longitude: -74.280029°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 845-377-6463

Map of the Lisa Sand, LCSW in Maplewood City

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Reviews to Lisa Sand, LCSW

Reviewed August 1, 2016 03:14
Review rating 1
- Terrible #72687
In my opinion, Lisa is ethically irresponsible. She will drop you as a client for cancelling appointments - very "strict" cancellation policy that she will fail to describe to you (initially, or when you actually cancel an appointment) and instead tell you it's in paper work you completed. Will also tell you she did not receive your messages and completely ignore you for days. When I come across people like this in the mental health field, it really concerns me. Often it takes a lot of strength and courage to find a therapist and make that first step - this kind of behavior from a mental health professional could slam the door in the face of people who truly need help and have finally mustered up the gall to do so. Do your research and find a therapist who sees clients as humans rather than disposable commodities.
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