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Leake & Watts

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 7
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463 Hawthorne Ave, Yonkers, NY 10705, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9165495°
Longitude: -73.9070021°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 914-375-8700

Map of the Leake & Watts in Yonkers City

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Reviews to Leake & Watts

Reviewed February 20, 2015 21:11
Review rating 1
- Terrible #43123
Horrible school the school hit evereybody in the school hit me the students bullied me slamed me Mr sharma and Ms richie were the only good teachers there i do not recomend this school to nobody unless you want death for your child
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Reviewed June 10, 2014 10:19
Review rating 1
- Terrible #43124
This is the worse place ever. A group home supervisor cut me in the face with a razor and when I fought him he beat me up. I was 16, he was like 45!!! He would always pick on us and brag about that he used to be this big time drug dealer in harlem. We always used to complain about to administration about him but they never cared. Staff having sex with under age residents. Staff using drugs and giving drugs to residents. Staff pressuring residents to have sex as young as 13. I mean ive seen it all. Staff having sex with staff in the offices and we're hearing it in our rooms. Most staff dont care for u and theyll tell u to your face. The staff that do care will do their best. But its mostly the administration they wouldnt do anything.
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Reviewed January 20, 2014 21:34
Review rating 1
- Terrible #43125
What a horrible place this is. This institution placed me in a foster home at the age of
five in which I was emotionally and sexually abused. The social worker was useless when she would make her visits every three months. This experience has affected my entire life and I hope that some day the doors of this place are shuttered.
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