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Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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175 Jacob St, Elmont, NY 11003, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7034223°
Longitude: -73.7030814°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-328-0045

Map of the LCC in Elmont City

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Reviews to LCC

Reviewed May 21, 2009 18:24
Review rating 5
- Excellent #94259
Great Daycare!! I am a very meticulous father who has gone through several daycares and this was hands down the best one in Elmont/Floral Park/Valley Stream area. I found their staff to be caring and professional; you can tell these people genuinely love kids!!! My son really didn't learn much in those other daycares and after only 2 weeks in this new daycare, he began speaking more. Out of the blue one day he came home one evening and said, "look daddy this is red and this is blue" at19 months old! I mean this kid was counting and deciphering shapes after 2 months.
Even the set-up is nice where the whole house is the daycare and they had other sites. There a little bit on the small side, but it actually worked out better since some of the bigger daycares I've been to seem to have a lot more accidents and to be more on the "take a number" side. Very good daycare!!
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