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Lachman Consultants

Overall Rating 2
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1600 Stewart Ave #604, Westbury, NY 11590, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7357902°
Longitude: -73.5832701°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-222-6222

Map of the Lachman Consultants in Westbury City

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Reviews to Lachman Consultants

Reviewed August 25, 2015 18:41
Review rating 2
- Poor #107723
References please. Our facility was audited by Lachman almost a year ago. Regulatory doesn't seem to question the Lachman justification on anything so we have changed our methods and SOPs to suit the audit findings. There are many many changes going on and some findings I am questioning, especially after speaking to the auditor in person. I recently called for clarity on one of the findings and was told "it's just that way", "there is this one book on dairy cattle and testing milk, that might saying something about it, check that out". He also said that "the FDA would probably be ok with either way". I have researched this and found nothing to support his finding and found dozens to support our old way of doing things. I emailed them and have heard nothing from them. I do not recommend Lachman, unless you are a "yes man" where, they say 'jump', you say 'how high'?
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