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King David Center Rehabilitation Center

Overall Rating 2.5
Total votes: 48
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Opening hours

Monday: Open 24 hours; Tuesday: Open 24 hours; Wednesday: Open 24 hours; Thursday: Open 24 hours; Friday: Open 24 hours; Saturday: Open 24 hours; Sunday: Open 24 hours;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for King David Center Rehabilitation Center in New York is -5 hours

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2266 Cropsey Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11214, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.595862°
Longitude: -73.9975968°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-266-6100

Map of the King David Center Rehabilitation Center in Kings County City

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Reviews to King David Center Rehabilitation Center

Reviewed August 6, 2016 19:44
Review rating 1
- Terrible #124677
Everything is too old... Phone lines always going dead you have to wait days and sometimes weeks for them to fix it... Short handed with staff my sister would not be changed for more then 5 hours...I had to call and use bad language many times to get someone to change her... HMO doctors on staff not any good at all...
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Reviewed July 2, 2016 21:18
Review rating 1
- Terrible #124680
My mother in law is declining and there is not enough sufficient staff to care for all the people there. One nurse over 40 people! Elevators were broken down recently, maintenance is in poor condition.
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Reviewed April 26, 2016 14:57
Review rating 1
- Terrible #124679
This place is disgusting, dirty, the the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing as far as the staff, management is terrible, someone needs to look into it. How can you leave someone laying in feeces for forty-five minutes??? You ring the bell and no response, Please don't bring your love one's here.
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Reviewed February 13, 2016 20:45
Review rating 1
- Terrible #124678
Father is not being treated right. I live out of state and they do not answer call bell. I was on the phone with him for 20 minutes before anyone came in. And they told him to be quiet and stop complaining. Do not put your family in this place. I have no say. His wife put him in there and I have to take time off just to make sure he is safe.
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Reviewed October 28, 2015 19:29
Review rating 1
- Terrible #124681
The lady that was in the bed next to my mother was the only positive about this place. They couldn't get her special diet correct. Kept giving her foods she was not allowed to eat to the point she had to order food from local restaurant and pay out of pocket. They continually mixed up her medicines, missed the times they were supposed to be given, or tried to give her wrong medications. They lie when they think nobody is going to check or come down there. On her discharge papers they put a different patients name. When I asked the nurse she lied to my face saying it was the old social worker that no longer works there. When the current social worker came in I asked her as well and found out by her reaction that it was the name of a different patient. Unprofessional, unreliable, avoid if you can.
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