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K&M Tech Service

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 2
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155 Park Ave #104, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.818807°
Longitude: -74.127334°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-438-1808
Official website

Map of the K&M Tech Service in Lyndhurst City

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Reviews to K&M Tech Service

Reviewed July 14, 2016 21:56
Review rating 5
- Excellent #88246
Took two Praxis exams here. Very professional and clean atmosphere. They have lockers for your personal belongings at the entrance. Chairs are office chairs--fairly comfortable.

Procedures I underwent:
*Parked in lot where there is no "RESERVED" sign.
*Went in ~30 minutes before my test time with nothing but car keys, driver's license, and test confirmation paper in hand.
*Met by a man who asked to confirm that I did not park in a reserved spot and checked my test confirmation sheet. He opened a locker for me in which I placed my car keys (he then locked it and held onto key) then walked me over to a desk near the front door to handwrite a statement saying that I am me and such and such.
*Took paper to a lady standing by a camera to get my picture taken before being led into a computer lab room with separate cubicles, each with a desktop, ear foams, pencils, and scrap paper.

*Come early for parking in the lot as it is limited.
*For Praxis exams, watch the video on the ETS site showing what to expect at testing site to be better prepared and to reduce test anxiety.
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Reviewed June 18, 2016 02:04
Review rating 5
- Excellent #88245
Staff is courteous and professional, testing room and equipment is well kept and cleaned regularly. A small locker is onsite to secure cellphones.

Parking can be an issue if you come during normal business hours as there are several businesses in this building and most of the parking spots are reserved.

This testing center has good availability on hours and I was able to schedule my test for 5 PM; parking was not an issue by this time.
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