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Junior High School 217 Robert A Van Wyck

Overall Rating 4.4
Total votes: 38
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85-05 144th St, Briarwood, NY 11435, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7105094°
Longitude: -73.8118746°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-657-1120

Map of the Junior High School 217 Robert A Van Wyck in Queens City

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Reviews to Junior High School 217 Robert A Van Wyck

Reviewed September 3, 2016 16:30
Review rating 2
- Poor #230670
This school is very dirty and old. There is so much trash inside the desks. There is gum in the stairways. Everything i touch has gum on it. The toilets are yellow and old. The cafeteria is so dirty i dont even want to eat. There is litter around the school. The teachers do teach well and they do not tolerate bullying.
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Reviewed August 14, 2016 07:00
Review rating 4
- Very Good #230671
This might come as a surprise to many, but I attended Van Wyck Junior High in 1966-1968. I had arrived in 1965 (went to PS 117 across the street for 1 year) from a village in India. You can just imagine the field the kids had with me. Thanks to the British, I spoke a bit of English. But that was it. Never saw a white person or a black person until I arrived in the US.
There was lots of violence - no guns but students carried stilettos. It had lots of gangs. An italian gang, a black gang, a puerto rican gang, even a jewish gang. I was the only indian in the whole school. A second indian student joined a year later. He became my body guard. :-)
Academically it was an ok school. It had great teachers. They really cared.
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Reviewed January 3, 2016 19:45
Review rating 5
- Excellent #230672
i loved it it was the best school ever i was in different programs and i did diffident things at each on the teachers where nice and told me that i could do it and the people i met where the best all of them where so nice to me and told me to never give up and stand up if you are looking for a jhs you should go to ms217 it made me improve on things i need help with you are being bullied they dont have eney bullies in ms217 they help you with your problems PS i loved it their i mad so meny friends and i met lots of people every one was so nice this is no jock you might think i am telling a jock but thins is no jock you should go their this is by zalish abbasi ps none as valintine
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Reviewed November 11, 2015 20:35
Review rating 1
- Terrible #230673
Hi this is my first year at JHS 217 and the school is horrible .Roaches crawling in the cafeteria , students yelling at teachers calling the idiots and other foul languages. Also theirs just too much bullying in that school which makes it hard for people to make friends . The teachers are rude especially Ms. Ventura every time my class comes in she always gives us attitude . So if you moved into the neighborhood and need to find a middle school for your kids DONT choose Robert A. Van wyck.
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Reviewed August 12, 2015 11:22
Review rating 5
- Excellent #230674
Great memories of JHS-217, this is where I became serious about school, I loved my teachers. No Nero or Doctor Kildare shirts, no Beatle boots allowed. The dress code was to wear a shirt and tie, If you forgot to wear a tie, the principal would let you use one of his or you made one cut out of paper and that was embarrassing. Respect and discipline was the call of that day. It was also sadly the place where I heard about the death of president John F Kennedy, over the school loud speaker in shop class. I hope many more will be stimulated at this school as I was, God bless you all!
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