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Joseph I. Sussman, P.C.

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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132 W 31st St Suite 1320, New York, NY 10001, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7482761°
Longitude: -73.9906856°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-457-8590
Official website

Map of the Joseph I. Sussman, P.C. in New York City

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Reviews to Joseph I. Sussman, P.C.

Reviewed November 24, 2015 01:03
Review rating 1
- Terrible #140780
What a piece of work this guy is!!! Seriously as a business person of decades I have had the displeasure of crossing paths, accidentally with this so called lawyer. Phone calls come from South Korea(seriously) Cellphone ID I pay Verizon for indicates this law firm calls from South Korea. The unprofessional, horrifying, unprofessional, insulting individual is as far from respectable lawyer as they make. I am a third party person he is chasing for a lease that the owners of a business I leased my building to, went bankrupt. Documents used by this firm to obtain a court order are absolutely falsified and have more blanks than and any so called agreement I have ever seen. My name is NOT on anything, yet I am being sued for thousands because of my connection to the address. Other honest lawyers are trying to help me. Concerned for the public. Protect yourself from these types of predators.
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