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Jo Anne Simon Law Offices

Overall Rating 5
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356 Fulton St #3, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6914875°
Longitude: -73.9883491°

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+1 718-852-3528
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Reviews to Jo Anne Simon Law Offices

Reviewed February 27, 2011 20:11
Review rating 5
- Excellent #145454
If you are reading this review, than you may have a son or daughter with a learning disability, most likely being challenged by a national testing agency or institution of higher learning that has stopped your child or will likely stop your child from progressing any further along their path. If that is the case, you have found the right lawyer. I can say this unequivocally since I am speaking from direct experience from the second half of 2010.
Jo Anne Simon helped my child receive the accommodation that he had been denied numerous times prior to her involvement; a herculean feat that I will forever be grateful to her for accomplishing. My son is back on a path to reach his educational and state licensing goals once again. You need not read any further unless you want to know more but be warned what I am going to say will not be encouraging to many.
These agencies’ / institution’s methods and practices are highly unethical and many times illegal; they chronically attempt to get away with whatever they are able to perpetrate on their applicants. Further, the attorneys and psychologists that represent these testing agencies and institutions are cold blooded hired guns that know everything and are backed by almost unlimited resources. If you are going to have a fighting chance you need a modern day dragon slayer.
Jo Anne is one such person with the intelligence, experience and courtroom presence to overcome the odds that are stacked against your child. Her name on any correspondence or court document sends the strongest message that your child’s case is to be taken with the most serious intent.
If you search the internet you will find Jo Anne Simon on the landmark precedent setting ADA case, MARILYN J. BARTLETT V. NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF LAW EXAMINERS, as the plaintiffs’ principle attorney, whereby, the sitting judge at the time, Sonia Maria Sotomayor, now an associate justice of the US Supreme Court, ruled not once but twice for Jo Anne’s client. Any case before a judge in the US that involves learning disabilities likely cites the Bartlett case.
Do what you have to come up with the screening fee; you want Jo Anne to at least review your case and make recommendations. I cannot provide any more details about my son but if you want to speak to me anonymously you can ask for me through Jo Anne. Good luck.
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