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Jns Beauty Entrps Inc

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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16 S Harrison St, East Orange, NJ 07018, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7667902°
Longitude: -74.2199952°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-674-5505

Map of the Jns Beauty Entrps Inc in East Orange City

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Reviews to Jns Beauty Entrps Inc

Reviewed July 9, 2009 03:32
Review rating 1
- Terrible #24792
The so called "manager/ owner" allowed me to walk out of his store over $5.00. I went to JNS Beauty Supply to purchase a wig and I found the one I liked unfortunately they didn't have a new pack in the color I preferred. So I went to the register to speak to the manager about taking $5.00 off of this $30.00 wig, which was not new . The manager/owner said he cannot take that amount off only 10% and that he cannot change the store policy, so I said your going to lose an entire purchase over $5.00 and I also stressed that I was willing to pay the full price for the wig but only for a new one not for one that was on display. He was very adamant so I had to leave the purchase. It was a sad experience but not the end of the world!
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