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Jacob D. Rozbruch , M.D.

Overall Rating 4.8
Total votes: 41
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420 E 72nd St #1J, New York, NY 10021, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7672329°
Longitude: -73.955304°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-744-9857

Map of the Jacob D. Rozbruch , M.D. in New York City

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Reviews to Jacob D. Rozbruch , M.D.

Reviewed August 20, 2014 14:56
Review rating 5
- Excellent #182818
Most comprehensive and thorough doctor I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I have had many foot issues, and only through Dr. Rozbruch do I have the full understanding of what could have prevented my pain as well as a swift solution. If I would have known about him earlier, I could have saved myself a lot of time and money. Truly excellent doctor.
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Reviewed March 10, 2012 18:13
Review rating 5
- Excellent #182819
Dr. Rozbruch is the best doctor of any kind I have ever seen, and absolutely an outstanding orthopedic surgeon and diagnostician. I first saw him on 1999 when I broke the fifth metatarsal in my left foot. I was in Washington DC when it happened and the orthopod I saw was dismissive to the point of seeming bored when he saw the X-ray, giving me a can;t do anything for you attitude. The following week I was in my brothers wedding in NYC, and he said I should consult dr. Rozbruch, who had operated on his dislocated shoulder years before. Dr. Rozbruch instructed me to find heels to wear to the wedding, go directly to his office from airport. He wrapped my foot in self stick bandages in a manner he developed and I walked down the aisle in heels using a cane. I wouldnt have believed it possible given how much pain I was in. The bandaged foot in heels was way less pairnful than a walking cast on crutches. I fell last week on my shoulder and went straight to see him. Now recuperating from complete surgical repair of massive rotator cuff tears. Dr. Rozbruch will be overseeing my physicalg therapy, which he has developed himself based on over 30 years of experience. Dont waste time elsewhere. He is kind, gentle, compassionate and funny. He listens. He respects his patients. And he is an outstanding technician and professional. Ever have complete faith in a doctor? It's an amazing thing. Thank you Dr. R and your wonderful staff! Ps -- make sure you go to Dr. JACOB Rozbruch. Accept no substitutes.
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