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Jack L. Glasser, P.C.

Overall Rating 4.2
Total votes: 46
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89-10 Sutphin Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11435, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.703488°
Longitude: -73.808668°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-526-8100

Map of the Jack L. Glasser, P.C. in Queens City

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Reviews to Jack L. Glasser, P.C.

Reviewed March 10, 2016 20:49
- Excellent #231386
Mr.Glasser is an outstanding attorney, but more than that he treat his clients with the highest of respect. in my humble opinion he is one of the best in the Boro of Queens.
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Reviewed March 1, 2016 23:42
- Very Good #231384
In the beginning things was very hard. I questioned if the decision we made would be the right one. As time went by the questions bothered me in my head. I felt as though I was getting impatient and nervous because each day something else would happen to prolong the case. Overall I am happy with the decision that was made because Jack told us to trust him he had our best interest at heart. It was hard to believe because of what I was going through but I put faith in his work. Jack Glasser and his associates were thorough and very detailed. I realized while watching them work I was safe. They stated the facts and kept it simple. In the end we won. I realized sometimes you have to let people do their jobs that you are paying them for. Jack is not a babysitter. He is a lawyer and has been for many years. He is not going to coddle you. He will tell you want you need to know the rest is for him to stress and take care of for you. My experience was hard but I would not have done any different.
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Reviewed March 1, 2016 17:51
- Excellent #231385
People may have there own Opinion about jack but he is such a wonderful lawyer for me he not only got me more time for my case but in the very last min of me being evicted he got the paper signed for them not to come! And another court date for me to get a better and new deal.. He filed all the proper papers and the right time and knows what he is doing.. I just want to thank him for all his work he had done for me and my family!
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