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Icon Parking Systems

Overall Rating 1
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220 Riverside Blvd, New York, NY 10069, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.779395°
Longitude: -73.98734°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-501-0016

Map of the Icon Parking Systems in New York City

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Reviews to Icon Parking Systems

Reviewed April 25, 2011 15:01
Review rating 1
- Terrible #141952
Following a purchase of a new car, we took our car to the insurance inspector who confirmed that the car was undamaged. Two days later we went to pick up the car we were informed of damage to
the front bumper. See picture attached of damage. We have tried to contact the garage manager for the past two weeks and have not received a single returned call. We have also left a message on
the complaint line and tried to contact Icon directly and have been so far ignored. I will update if we hear anything from Icon, but at this point they have made it clear that their customers and their property are not important to them. I know all garages damage cars (our last car had several nicks and dents from this same garage, but we know that happens and we never pursued claims on those damages) but something this blatant should be addressed and the damage fixed. A piece of our car is missing and someone in the garage knows they caused this damage.
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