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Icap North America Inc

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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12th Floor, 185 Hudson St, Jersey City, NJ 07311, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7185979°
Longitude: -74.0348499°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-341-9900
Official website

Map of the Icap North America Inc in Jersey City

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Reviews to Icap North America Inc

Reviewed February 12, 2015 15:41
Review rating 5
- Excellent #99589
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Reviewed June 18, 2014 19:02
Review rating 1
- Terrible #99588
I interviewed there for a high level senior consultant project management position ( 750 $ day- 6 months) and lo and behold, when I came to the site, they asked me to fill out a PAPER application form, like I was applying for a grocery clerk position at your local WalMart. Mind you this is a multi-billion financial brokerage company that works with the likes of Goldman and Morgan Stanley. The interviewer did not have my resume printed, I dont think she ever even reviewed it before meeting with me . I also had to interview, (not screen) interview with a junior ( jersey shore type) HR person who has been at the company for all but 4 months and didnt look a day over 22. If the junior HR person does not like you, you will not get hired, even if the actual hiring manager wants to give you the job. She was asking me questions about what " a PMBOK" is. She ha no clue. She was more interested in where I live and how long my commute is, than what my professional qualifications are. Moreover, after the interviewer left, I was left to my own devices to find my way out of their maze-like office, and find some responsible person ( receptionist) to give my paper application to. It was after 5:30 PM. I was lucky the receptionist was still there,- a life saver.
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