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High School For Innovation In Advertising and Media

Overall Rating 2.3
Total votes: 3
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1600 Rockaway Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11236, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6415794°
Longitude: -73.8980462°

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+1 718-290-8760
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Reviews to High School For Innovation In Advertising and Media

Reviewed March 9, 2015 20:12
Review rating 1
- Terrible #59695
I just want to know if this school is good or no
I'm going the next year to thos school
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Reviewed September 22, 2013 19:07
Review rating 5
- Excellent #59693
I completely disagree with Naomi's post. This is a GREAT school! I have said numerous times if i had went to any other high school, i probably would not have graduated on time. If i started to fall off in classes or head in the direction of trouble, Ms.Schaffer, Ms.Michelena, Ms.Schneider and/or any of the other staff members, would pull me to the side and let me know i was doing wrong. They were more than happy to keep me on track, and I received more than extra help from teachers when i needed it. All of the school's staff was available to all students to talk to, or just listen. Ms.Schaeffer and Ms.Schneider ( who is no longer there ) especially. We were very close being that we were a small school. Yes of course we ( and i speak for multiple students ) joked and played around with the staff, but NEVER on a level of inappropriate sayings or behavior. We respected one another as adults and students. If staff members moved on from the school it was for their personal reasons. The school should not be held accountable for a money hungry teacher's actions, for a lawsuit. I've always had trouble with Global and U.S history, until i met Ms.Gentile. She taught me everything i needed to know, no matter how long it took. She went home and prepared practice exams for us to take in class, and anything else she could think of to help us. I passed my Global Regents with a 74 and U.S History regents with an 86 thanks to Ms.Gentile. This may be a school but the staff provides more than just education. Students who will remain nameless, have been provided with food, and/or clothes on their back by the school. There have been a time when the school provided finances for students to attend the senior trip who's parent(s) could not afford it. Ms. Michelena and Ms.Schaeffer makes sure EVERYONE is cared for. What people who are not in Ms. Michelena's shoes have to realize is, she has a school to run. Its not an easy job but from the outside looking in people don"t take that into consideration. From my experience being at The High School For Innovation In Advertising And Media, lets just say i'd do it all over again with no hesitation.
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Reviewed August 16, 2013 19:02
Review rating 1
- Terrible #59694
This school is extremely biased. From not offering any classes or workshops outside of advertising for students to explore and become well rounded to choosing who will abide by the summer dresscode based on body type (Skinny girls wearing short shorts, tank tops, mid thigh bottoms were not sent home while more Curvaceous girls would be targeted for wearing similar things & forced to leave the premises).

The principle Adaleza Michelena often hides behind her holier than thou secretary, Miriam Schaeffer who is dispatched by the principal to perform such duties as an assistant principal, thus overstepping her boundaries as a secretary but being given the power to do so. The secretary Schaeffer conducts herself inappropriately in hallways with students and when confronted about the ordeals, explains it away as a close knit family relationship due to it being such a small school. I highly doubt telling a student "I'm going to punch you in your balls" then reaching toward his groin, or saying "R-mi, be quiet before I punch you in the face - we know your mom won't pay for the dental bill" to a student with chronically crooked teeth is appropriate or professional. There's only a handful of teachers that have remained after the school's first year, with administrators and guidance counselors abandoning the sinking ship as well.

Teachers use this school as a revolving door, leaving students months to the regents exams with a multitude of substitutes & no real curriculum. Then the students are blamed for their failure on the state exams after having no real structure or consistency while in the classroom.

Not to mention the stories that HAVE made it to the media, such as the teacher that threw herself down the stairs the first year after the school's opening and most recently the sex scandal between a female teacher & male student that lasted for TWO YEARS all the while the abuse was going on when it WAS CLEAR TO BOTH STUDENTS AND STAFF that their behavior towards eachother was suspicious. Statistically speaking these types of oversights & occurrences should only take place in larger scale high schools. Making the point of breaking down Canarsie High School into three smaller schools for better student management, a COMPLETE FAILURE.

If you want your child to fail & be dusted under a rug after accusing them for your child's failure due to oversight and plain out negligence with limited options for credit recovery only being offered to those they feel deserving of the extra help, then send your child here. Otherwise, don't stick your child somewhere for hours a day where the administrators themselves are just trying to cover their a*s while they sit on it & get paid.
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