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Heinrich Heine Fountain

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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Bronx, NY 10452, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8275113°
Longitude: -73.9231718°

Map of the Heinrich Heine Fountain in Bronx City

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Reviews to Heinrich Heine Fountain

Reviewed August 1, 2015 19:50
- Excellent #47442
5 stars because this was a throw away by the German City for which it was designed and was given a home here. Famously designed for a German city, they didn't accept it. The people of the Bronx adopted it and placed it in Joyce Kilmer park, where it sat for a way long time in the middle of the park, out of the way. A few years ago, it was decided to clean it up and move it to the prominence of being up front near 161 street, across the redesigned street and edge of the park across the street from the Supreme Court building.
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