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Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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1980 E 35th St, Brooklyn, NY 11234, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6093849°
Longitude: -73.9324113°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-375-3320
Official website

Map of the Heatspan in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Heatspan

Reviewed November 15, 2014 21:33
Review rating 5
- Excellent #46515
I've been using Heatspan for the cleaning and service of my boiler for years. When the boiler gave out about 4 years ago, Heatspan installed a new one for me. I now have a service contract with them. The new boiler has worked fine, and the price was competitive.

What I like best about Heatspan is that they show up! If you have an appointment, they come on time. If you have a problem, they come the same day--even if it's a Sunday. The monthly fee for the contract is very reasonable, and it includes cleaning, turn on, and shut off service. The people are pleasant, and they do a great job.
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