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Haven Savings Bank

Overall Rating 1
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621 Washington St, Hoboken, NJ 07030, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7440602°
Longitude: -74.0286051°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-659-3600

Map of the Haven Savings Bank in Hoboken City

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Reviews to Haven Savings Bank

Reviewed August 28, 2013 18:44
Review rating 1
- Terrible #61381
I had to deal with these people BC ******* sold my mortgage to them. Here are the reasons why you should never go to them:
They open at 9AM, they stay in front of the door (inside the bank) and chit chat till 9AM sharp while there are people waiting outside
If you need anything sorted out, they send you to another floor and make you do it yourself
There is a safe full of paper on 2nd floor… so imagine how fast your queries are answered.
After 4 months in to my mortgage and I had to go to them 3 times. (During my work hours) and sort out my payments. The slip stated that I only owe $250 and the teller said I can’t take your payment more than the amont stated on the slip. then she realized that the amount in her computer is different. (non of them matched my actual mortgage amont)
Somehow I have to go to them again BC a late charge added to my account. they lost my last payment.
The tellers that I have talked to before have never heard anything about niceness, manner and customer service. (A nice looking lady in her 50s, who cared more about her nails than the customer)
Forget about the payment over the web or phone. Just good old checks
And that’s just the beginning. Avoid them if you can
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