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Harry Shapiro, MD - Brighton Beach Medical Group

Overall Rating 2.3
Total votes: 3
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130 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.576103°
Longitude: -73.9669878°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-946-7557

Map of the Harry Shapiro, MD - Brighton Beach Medical Group in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Harry Shapiro, MD - Brighton Beach Medical Group

Reviewed July 6, 2015 18:57
Review rating 1
- Terrible #11111
Lashed out at me, did not listed to me. did not listed to questions or suggestions. Offered to get off my vital cancer preventing medication just to see how my body would react. He spreads nasty energy....
DO not go to him....
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Reviewed October 7, 2014 13:12
Review rating 4
- Very Good #11113
Dr Shapiro is very nice & really cares about his patients. He has really helped me get my get my sugar under control without insulin. The staff are nice & the wait is not too bad either.
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Reviewed May 18, 2014 20:54
Review rating 2
- Poor #11112
I think that this doctor tends to make patients dependent and get financially benefited from paying insurance and perhaps even pharmaceutical companies by setting diagnoses without really looking into their cases as well as prescribing drugs that may not be necessary or even unnecessary. When I came to his office complaining about emotional instability I was scheduled for blood test to determine my hormone levels. After reviewing blood test results, he diagnosed me with hypothyroidism. He didn't consider repeating the test or finding out more information about my health history and other possible reasons why I have emotional ups and downs. I am 29 yo female in a very good health, not smoking or drinking, had no history of under active thyroid in the family. I had been taking pills prescribed by Dr.Shapiro for a year and my symptoms just became worse. I decided to get off the pill and see how I feel. I got back to my normal self short after I quit medication and blood tests showed no abnormalities. But here is the interesting part-after I was off the hook with thyroid problem this doctor tried to diagnose me with pre-diabetes. But that's another story. Do not trust him or any other doctor. Do your own research before accepting any diagnosis or taking any prescribed medications. Be mindful and careful. Don't let money-motivated doctors and pharmaceutical companies take advantage of your health.
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