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Grove Medical Associates - Internal Medicine

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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129 Newark Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07302, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7199713°
Longitude: -74.0435823°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-222-1266
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Reviews to Grove Medical Associates - Internal Medicine

Reviewed July 29, 2016 14:41
Review rating 1
- Terrible #97337
This was the worst experience that I have had ever with medical professionals. The office was dirty. The staff did not use gloves and were complaining. The cash only policy is also awful. After waiting an hour for the doctor to check me I left. I would not under any circumstances return.
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Reviewed December 25, 2011 00:12
Review rating 5
- Excellent #97338
Dr. Chinai is a good caring, nice and very knowledgeable dr. One afternoon this summer, I received a phone call from my husband's boss told me my husband not feeling well, need to be sent to hospital. I talked to my husband, he thought he was having a heart attach. One hour later, I rushed to ER in Hoboken medical center. The dr in the ER did ECG test, X ray test, and blood test on my husband, didn't find any thing. I was very worried and the first person I wanted to call is dr. Chinai. I called Dr. Chinai told him how my husband felt and what dr did in the ER. He asked my husband few questions and gave me some good advises. He said "let me know if any condition change, me or my associate can come to the hospital." I know he is very busy and I was really appreciate he said that. Luckily, ER dr let my husband go home after they checked his condition. Next few weeks, my husband visited dr. Chinai's office did additional tests. Dr. Chinai gave my husband a very detailed plan to change life style to improve his health condition. Few months past, my husband getting a lot better. We feel so lucky we have dr. Chinai. He is experienced medical doctor and he is also an anti-aging doctor. We don't like medicine, so his treatment plan for me husband focus on life style change, fit our needs. As educated professional, we know how important to have a good doctor as primary care dr. We are happy that dr. Chinai is one of them, and he has special training in anti-aging, which can really be benefit for us.
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