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Grace Hopper Academy

Overall Rating 5
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Floor 11, 5 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7050759°
Longitude: -74.0091603°

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Reviews to Grace Hopper Academy

Reviewed August 22, 2016 01:30
Review rating 5
- Excellent #117339
I'm wrapping up my time at Grace Hopper, and have basically nothing but good things to say about it.

Grace Hopper is an offshoot of Fullstack Academy, in the same building, and follows the same curriculum. The differences are (1) GHA is women-only and (2) GHA defers tuition until & unless you find a dev job.

The deferred tuition, to me, meant GHA is committed to preparing grads for the job market, and I appreciate their job-focused approach.

The all-female aspect wasn't the most important factor for me, but I've really appreciated this amazing community of bright women, working together rather than competing. The program is intense, emotionally and intellectually, so it meant a lot to have this tight-knit community of women supporting each other.

It's hard. You're moving from one topic to another in quick succession, and there is more information than you could possibly hope to absorb. But since the program is heavily hands-on, you do retain what's important. In the second phase, there's time to work on group and solo projects where you can deepen knowledge or explore new topics that interest you.

It was hard to imagine six months ago, or even six weeks ago, but I actually do feel that I'm ready to start my career as a dev now.
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