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George & Sons Constructions

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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168 Watson Ave, West Orange, NJ 07052, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7870878°
Longitude: -74.2281124°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-414-6190

Map of the George & Sons Constructions in West Orange City

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Reviews to George & Sons Constructions

Reviewed November 6, 2013 17:34
Review rating 1
- Terrible #24700
I hired this company to do my entrance and lawn, they didn't put any top soil so when the grass grew and the summer came all the grass got burned, also they did part of the garden and didn’t do any drainage so, when it rained all the water was getting stuck in the garden, finally after calls and arguments they came and ran a pipe from the garden on to the drive way. the owner of the company came to check on his guys while they were working on the drainage, and got the guts to said to them " look their grass got burned because they didn’t water it" my wife was in the house and heard everything this guy was saying. In conclusion I don’t recommend this company to any one, they are very pleasant at the beginning but once they get your money and god forbid something was done wrong, you will have to fight with them to get it fixed.
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