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Fuel 4

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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450 New York Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07307, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7512457°
Longitude: -74.040269°

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Reviews to Fuel 4

Reviewed August 31, 2016 06:51
Review rating 1
- Terrible #97587
Rude gas attendant. I went this morning around 11 am and i told him to fill the tank. The counter stopped at $27.47 and i told him to stop it at $27.50. I had 2 quarters in my hand showing it and he told me "$28" in a rude voice , while forcing the gasoline to my car. When i gave him the money, he not even said thank you. (That gas station is cheap, but there are others that have the same price, same company, i guess, which are located on 8th/Paterson plank rd and another one at 12th st/Kennedy blvd, which i prefer to go.)
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Reviewed August 11, 2016 03:12
Review rating 5
- Excellent #97588
Lowest prices in the area usually, along with a few others, but this one is most convenient for us. Like the nice, friendly employees and they have completely revamped this place. It looks gorgeous. Yes, I did say that about a gas station! There is a quick mart/convenience store onsite too. I rarely visit these types of places, so as usual we have not been inside, but it is new from the ground up. Cash only gets you best gas rates. ; )
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