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Fort Hamilton High School

Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 27
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8301 Shore Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11209, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.627127°
Longitude: -74.0392916°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-748-1537

Map of the Fort Hamilton High School in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Fort Hamilton High School

Reviewed February 22, 2016 02:05
Review rating 5
- Excellent #9695
Based on the reviews, it sounds like an awesome school. Has all I need, drug dealing, graff, and many more
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Reviewed September 12, 2015 21:07
Review rating 1
- Terrible #9696
My son is a high school senior at this high school. Apparently sworn to secrecy by way of profit or by way of threat, my son has demonstrated that there is an extensive drug network at this school. Nestled in a high price neighborhood, this school appears to be a magnet for drug dealers of all types and no child is unaffected.

The administration appears to be clueless as their priorities seem to be to maintain confrontation with parents. The impression is one typified by antagonism to parents while promoting themselves as protectors, educators and saviors of our children. In this atmosphere of misinformation, the administration misses the drug dealings that take place on and off school grounds.

If I could do it again, I would have kept my youngest child, a son, far away from this place: a school whose culture is confrontational with parents while their children become addicted.
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Reviewed August 6, 2015 01:41
Review rating 3
- Average #9699
Class of Jan 2008... its a great school but the Deans are a bit mean. You are suppose to feel confortable arround them, not scared.
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Reviewed June 24, 2015 15:52
Review rating 1
- Terrible #9698
My sister is a new comer in school, and I have to say she's had the worst experience there. To clarify, she is American and her english is impeccable, but she just came from a different country where she got nothing but straight A's with a different learning system and came to FH where they were giving her class like a regular student, not to mention the pressure and stress they gave her expecting her to learn everything a senior would know in just 7 months. So what happens? She fails one of her regions... math to be exact. And they won't allow her to graduate. And we had to CALL to figure out a day before the graduation that she couldn't graduate (after she had the illusion that she was going and payed the graduation fees, bought her dress and shoes, etc) You could imagine her reaction when she found out.
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Reviewed June 16, 2015 23:53
Review rating 5
- Excellent #9697
Class "2000 - 2005"

!!!Good old time!!!

I still have a good memory moment facing lazy teacher and doesn't even mind all student cheating on final regent exam on History and English.

several nice teachers and concern student give a guide to pass the class and able to make up extra point to boost on the grade

the rest teacher doesn't even care and making student miserable fail and retake the course again and has no choice to transfer another class subject.....

!!!Beware and keep your eyes peel!!!
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