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Flushing Meadows Corona Park

Overall Rating 4.4
Total votes: 232
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Open now

Opening hours

Monday: Open 24 hours; Tuesday: Open 24 hours; Wednesday: Open 24 hours; Thursday: Open 24 hours; Friday: Open 24 hours; Saturday: Open 24 hours; Sunday: Open 24 hours;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Flushing Meadows Corona Park in New York is -5 hours

Place categories and types


Queens, NY, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7397136°
Longitude: -73.840785°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-760-6565

Map of the Flushing Meadows Corona Park in Queens City

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Reviews to Flushing Meadows Corona Park

Reviewed March 8, 2016 20:44
Review rating 5
- Excellent #72273
Fun place to have a shishkebab lll
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Reviewed January 26, 2016 15:37
Review rating 5
- Excellent #72270
The site of two worlds fairs, this park is a great place for a picnic. It also has playgrounds, soccer fields, baseball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, handball courts, mini-golf and full gold courses, and a water fountain where you can cool off on hot days under the Unisphere.
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Reviewed November 20, 2015 08:17
Review rating 4
- Very Good #72271
Especially in summer a spot where you should go once as a tourist. YOu can have a short walk, sit newar the smal lake, or have a ice icream form the truck. Lot of trouble, so you won´t find a silent place.
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Reviewed October 11, 2015 11:07
Review rating 4
- Very Good #72272
Huge park with lots of beautiful trees. The iconic globe in the centre, surrounded by fountains, to commemorate the World Fair doesn't disappoint and makes for a great spot for pictures. Includes a children's play area and plenty of space to enjoy a run or go cycling.
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Reviewed October 9, 2015 20:53
Review rating 4
- Very Good #72269
Cool and quiet. Just the way a park should be! I love this park at any weather, but naturally the spring and the autumn are the nicest, each one in its own beauty. There is also the museum (Which I don’t find attractive, but you may). For me this park is more for running or walking, when I had enough traffic and dirty sidewalks for the week. It is not the central park, but will do the work for my remaining 3 years in New York.
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