Pastor Mike,
I am a long distant member of Dan Ralstons church for the past 6 years. I had been listening to your messages on the web. A brother in the Lord at Pastor Dan's church sent me Pastor Dan's messages on CD's. Pastor Dan asked me to listen to your messages on the "Last Generation" which I did. But I listened to your messages on the web and Pastor Dan's on CD. Now all praise to God and thanks to all the people who brought Pastor Dan's site to life. I have learned and grown more in these past six years, than all the 34 years as a Christian. Both of you have taught me amazing things that I did not see. I did not use The KJV until someone sent me tracks on how all the other Bible's are false. Thank you for being a faithful Pastor. Thank you for helping others to see the truth of God'd WORD.
Bless you,
Claire Bacchi