I was invited there by an acquaintance and it is a very nice sanctuary but i did not understand the women who were doing this strange processional during the offering, they looked like pallbearers with no casket. the pastor made an altar call and then told a lady to go back and sit down because she didn't get to the altar fast enough. she also called out somebody from the pulpit for being on their phone, she might have been talking to me because i was tying a knot in a thread that was hanging from my sweater and she thought i was on on the phone or might have been talking to someone else. not sure. i really don't remember what she preached about because i didn't care for the way she was talking to people. a girl did accept Christ, though. that proves that God does his work in spite of us. i would not return, however. i left as soon as i could and was very disappointed. if you like those types of churches you might like it but i like churches where the pastor acts like a Christian.
and i never saw anywhere in the Bible where Christ refused to pray for someone for any reason. even the Syrophonecian woman got prayer for her daughter because she was willing to eat the crumbs from the master's table.
Take me to the king...