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Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 3
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Opening hours

Monday: Open 24 hours; Tuesday: Open 24 hours; Wednesday: Open 24 hours; Thursday: Open 24 hours; Friday: Open 24 hours; Saturday: Open 24 hours; Sunday: Open 24 hours;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Exxon in New Jersey is -5 hours


19 E 33rd St, Paterson, NJ 07514, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.923111°
Longitude: -74.140564°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-278-3966

Map of the Exxon in Paterson City

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Reviews to Exxon

Reviewed January 18, 2016 05:54
Review rating 5
- Excellent #39384
The best
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Reviewed March 31, 2015 13:51
Review rating 1
- Terrible #39383
I had my car filled up there this morning and what a way to start a day. He accused me of being a liar saying that I've told him "Cash" when he asked me "Cash or Credit". I never use cash for gas because of points I get from the card so I really doubt that I've mistakenly said "Cash". It's his words vs my words... but considering he will be asking the same questions every day, every car... I think there is a great chance that he might have misheard me.

But we all can mistake.

What I don't understand is manner of him trying to resolve. He did not use any foul language but he was VERY RUDE and blatantly told me that I'm a liar... why on earth would I... and even if I was mistaken, is that how you treat your customer?

Outraged over this and asked for the owner... but he was the owner.

He later took my card and came back to me saying that he can't process American Express... but my card was Visa card issued by the Bank of America.

At the end, he processed my card and told me never to come back...
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Reviewed December 20, 2010 19:44
Review rating 5
- Excellent #39385
Great, Great Service, I broke down in front of the station on a Saturday in August 2010. Larry and the owner are terrific, honest, hardworking people. I don't think I would have gotten any better service than if my father ran the station.
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