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ENT and Allergy Associates

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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145 Huguenot Street,601, New Rochelle, NY 10801, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.9135845°
Longitude: -73.7794664°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 914-235-1888

Map of the ENT and Allergy Associates in New Rochelle City

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Reviews to ENT and Allergy Associates

Reviewed August 17, 2015 19:40
Review rating 5
- Excellent #234282
Went here today to get an my ears cleaned. First of all, the office is huge and has a great view! The technology is so advanced too. In this place you say goodbye to paper and pen sign in and hello to a tablet. Dr. Yu is so nice and fast. My ears feel great afterwards!
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Reviewed July 14, 2009 20:28
Review rating 1
- Terrible #234283
I had a throat infection and went to see the doctor thinking this was going to be a Routine office visit. I had an appointment and despite that waited for about 1 hour. When they finally called me in I realized there were three offices for this one doctor and he was just going from one room to another. I found out the lady next to me had an appointment 10 min from mine and it was with the same doctor. He looked down my throat and said it looks a little sour, “I can get a better look with this device”. He didn’t ask me for permission or explain what he was doing. it turns out he was looking at my throat through my nose with a fiber optic tube( took about 60 seconds). The whole process took about 8 min from meeting the doctor to him giving me a priscription and walking out. Long story short. The little 60 second step of looking at my throat was 400$(in office surgery). + 150 for the office visit. What a crook. Insurance covered the office visit, but I had a deductable for my surgery, wich most people do.
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Photo by Derek Soohoo, MD, FACS for Derek Soohoo, MD, FACS
Derek Soohoo, MD, FACS
Rating: 5.00
Time: 1.606635093689 SQLA: 116 SQLG: 114