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El Nuevo Sol

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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Opening hours

Monday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Tuesday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Wednesday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Thursday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Friday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Saturday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm; Sunday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for El Nuevo Sol in New Jersey is -5 hours

Place categories and types


120-152 48th St, Union City, NJ 07087, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7801774°
Longitude: -74.0174071°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-330-1091

Map of the El Nuevo Sol in Union City

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Reviews to El Nuevo Sol

Reviewed December 19, 2015 01:03
Review rating 5
- Excellent #101858
This place is awesome. Peruvian style rotisserie chicken, well priced with tasty sides. Make sure to have the chicken with the sauces!

We went for dinner, and the food arrived quickly and hot. Wait was non-existent to sit or eat.
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Reviewed April 5, 2015 01:25
Review rating 1
- Terrible #101859
- Muy mal Servicio, Realmente Pobre y cochino.
Tienes que ordenar la comida 2 veces, por que las meseras se olvidan de pasar la Orden correctamente por que ellas estan conversando con sus familiares en hora de trabajo.
Encontre Basura en la Comida y ellos quisieron Cobrarme el Plato de comida que Ordene, sin disculparse y cuando pedi hablar con el encargado o el dueño para poner mi queja, la mesera me dijo que Simplemente NO es posible.

- Very bad service, really poor and filthy.
You have to order the food 2 times, because the waitresses forget properly pass the order because they are talking to their families in time to work.
I found trash in the Food and they wanted to charge me the dish meal that Order, without apology and when I asked to speak to the manager or owner to put my complaint, the waitress told me it's simply NOT possible.
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