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Edujas Multiservices Corporation

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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1050 Liberty Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11208, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.6781106°
Longitude: -73.8703266°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-235-0369

Map of the Edujas Multiservices Corporation in Brooklyn City

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Reviews to Edujas Multiservices Corporation

Reviewed July 30, 2015 21:44
Review rating 1
- Terrible #64893
Honestly, this place takes the award. The most unprofessionalism I've ever encountered. We have the "Head" accountant who is never available. There's the secretary who was raised in a barn and hangs up the phone when there's a potential client requesting information. If you are seeking a professional and reliable accountant, THIS IS NOT THE CORPORATION YOU WANT TO GO TO. Para los que no hablan espanol, les sugiero que busquen a un contador que les pueda proveer el servicio que se merece como el cliente.
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