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Overall Rating 1
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5 Marine View Plaza #212, Hoboken, NJ 07030, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.737469°
Longitude: -74.0292556°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-377-3000

Map of the EducationDynamics in Hoboken City

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Reviews to EducationDynamics

Reviewed October 26, 2011 23:52
Review rating 1
- Terrible #63724
This is education connection and they are the most epic scam in history - they make bernie maydoff look like a saint - here is what I can guarantee you because the did it to me: 1. They will sell your information - phone AND email to other companies - especially the enjoyable "you have already won or you are preapproved" companies. you phone and email will be flooded shortly and 2. The colleges/schools who do contact you will each contact you incessantly, several times a day, via phone AND email via their sales/telemarketing centers desperately trying to get you to attend their schools. How many legitimate schools have a link on their website to un-suscribe from their infuriating contacts. In summary, this is a crooked company and should be investigated for these illegitimate business practices.

hey education dynamics - STOP SELLING MY INFORMATION!
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