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E & S Auto Repair

Overall Rating 3.7
Total votes: 3
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327 E Northfield Rd, Livingston, NJ 07039, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7710879°
Longitude: -74.3009248°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-597-1400

Map of the E & S Auto Repair in Livingston City

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Reviews to E & S Auto Repair

Reviewed January 14, 2015 15:04
Review rating 5
- Excellent #71832
I have been the customer of E@S Auto repair for many years. The owner is the mechanic with years of experience who can provide his clients with an expert advice on any type of repair.
 Efficiency, quality and fair prices that's what put this auto repair shop above all others. The staff will go above and beyond to provide the highest quality of services. One more  thing to mention is a detail oriented approach to the repair  process which  ensures that no issue or potential problem left unnoticed after the work is complete and the vehicle is released to the owner. 
I would recommend this shop to anyone who wants to get a high quality  services for the minimum amount of time.
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Reviewed March 19, 2014 14:26
Review rating 1
- Terrible #71833
The guy is a crook, on 3 occasions he took money to repair my car and each time he lied that he fixed it. I found out when my friend who is a mechanic told me that the guy is ripping me off.

Beware stay away
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Reviewed March 2, 2009 00:08
Review rating 5
- Excellent #71834
I first went to the Getty at 585 Northfield in West Orange. The mechanic there mangled my car! Sergey was able to fix that guys mistakes and find the real problem (which ended up costing less than what the other guy charged). Sergey is all you can ask for in a mechanic; honest, offers fast and quality service, fair price. Simply put, he's not like the other seedy mechanics you go too. You get treated with respect and you feel like a human being. I wouldn't go anywhere else!
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