I stopped to get a vanilla chai, which is my favorite DD drink. Every time I order this I ask the cashier if he/she could please give me a paper cup instead of a Styrofoam, as it is well known they produce cancer. Besides, they were banned in NY.
However, the cashier, who's and indian guy didn't give me his name and was not wearing a name tag, refused to give me a paper cup. I told them politely that styrofoam cups were not longer allowed in NY and that in every other location I will get a paper cup with no problems. He then said, I'll give you a paper cup but I'll have to charge you a latte, which is twice more expensive as my vanilla chai.
By then, another customer came and told them that DunkinDonuts should not be allowed to use styrofoam cups as they were banned and it's against the law. The cashier kept saying he would only make me a vanilla chai in that cup.
What type of service was that? I'm very disappointed.