I had a referral from my own GP for a visit this week. I arrived 15 minutes early as with a new patient you have to provide a lot of information. I gave my Insurance card and ID to the admin. and continued filling out the forms. I was then told I have a large deductible and how was I going to pay. I asked what the average fee for a consultation was and they declined to say. I said that you can bill me or I can pay by credit card today. After finishing the forms and registration an hour had passed and still no Dr. Lindenbaum who was consulting with her assistant and talking about my insurance in the back office.
After a few minutes the assistant told me that there would be a co-payment of perhaps $91.00. I said that would be fine. 15 minutes later another consultation with Dr. Lindenbaum and the assistant, very sheppishly told me that my Oxford U.S. Healthcare was not accepted even though they had the referral a week ago. 2 hours in this dingy office and quite frankly not very pleasant staff and and no running water in the bathroom, disgusting. I was incensed 2 hours of wasting my time and I heard her tell another client the same thing and he was also very upset. This office and the people there seem to be interested in the money aspect of Healthcare that gives
the whole US healthcare a bad name!! Don't practice medicine just for your financial gain there is an oath that doctors are supposed to abide by!!