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Dr. Syed M. Jalal, MD

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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41-14 Judge St, Queens, NY 11373, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.745373°
Longitude: -73.88341°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-424-3131

Map of the Dr. Syed M. Jalal, MD in New York City

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Reviews to Dr. Syed M. Jalal, MD

Reviewed March 25, 2016 15:01
Review rating 1
- Terrible #216526
Very long wait time. It can be 4/5 hours. After a year of treatment and so many tests, I still did not get any clear idea about my problem. They are more into business than patient care.
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Reviewed December 21, 2012 05:14
Review rating 5
- Excellent #216527
We speak in your language!!!


1. The patient is number one.
2. Always respond to the patient.
3. Nothing should be between you and the patient.
4. Work on long term relationship not just short term problem.
5. Listening is better than talking.
6. Negotiate rather than order.
7. Solve the problem presented.
8. Admit to the patient when you have made an mistake.
9. Never "pass off" a patient to someone else.
10. Express empathy, give control.
11. Agree on the problem before moving solution.
12. Understand what the patient is talking about before intervening.
13. Patient do not get to select inappropriate treatment.
14. Best answer serve multiple goals.
15. Never lie.
16. Accept the health beliefs of your patient.
17. Accept patient religious beliefs and participate, if possible.
18. Anything that increase communication is good.
19. Be an advocate for the patient.
20. The key is not so much what you do, but how you do it.
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