Never go to this doctor's office!!!
They have 2 doctors and 1 midwife and thousands of Chinese patients that every office visit has over 1 hour wait time even you have made an appointment. What is worse, the huge number of patients made the doctors, especially the midwife who always substitute for the doctor when they are out for delivery (that happens almost everyday ), give only 1-2 minutes to each patient if you are doing prenatal checkups. They just check the ultrasonic pictures and tell your nothing about it. Always being impatient and they don't answer your questions/concerns/alternatives except when you have abnormal conditions. They generally can't wait you to finish your questions, and tell you to come back next week.
Moreover, like most medical offices by Chinese MD, OB, they charge your only cash in full amount before they review your insurance, and that could take 2-3 weeks.