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Dr. Louis S. Angioletti, MD

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 1
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1617 Palisade Ave, Fort Lee, NJ 07024, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8495726°
Longitude: -73.969263°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 201-947-1900

Map of the Dr. Louis S. Angioletti, MD in Fort Lee City

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Reviews to Dr. Louis S. Angioletti, MD

Reviewed August 11, 2010 01:35
Review rating 5
- Excellent #70230
Dr. Angioletti saved my eyesight. My retina's were detaching, both eyes had torn retina's after the vitreous' dislodged. I had no idea what was happening. Dr. Angioletti kept a very calm demeanor, when he called for transport to the hospital for me. He met me there as soon as the pre-opt was completed and performed surgery immediately. If it wasn't for him, I truly believe I would be using a seeing eye dog at this time. I had already lost 1/2 my vision in one eye. Because of his immediate action in sealing my retina's, I still have vision in both eyes. He has to be the BEST Retinologist in the country, maybe even the world. His bedside manner is above reproach. Imagine how frightened I felt, and with all of that happening, he was able to keep me very calm. He is just amazing, I truly feel he has the hand of God. I would refer anyone who has retina conditions, or any eye conditions, to see him first.
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