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Dr. Laszlo A. Papp, MD

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 2
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124 E 84th St, New York, NY 10028, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.7783007°
Longitude: -73.9570718°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-360-5750

Map of the Dr. Laszlo A. Papp, MD in New York City

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Reviews to Dr. Laszlo A. Papp, MD

Reviewed March 21, 2015 12:37
Review rating 5
- Excellent #180496
Dr. Papp saved my life – several times! When I got out of a hospital in NJ and NO OTHER psychiatrist in NYC would see me, Dr. Papp made sure my meds were corrected and worked with me over a period of time to titrate them to to the most tolerable level. He is a level-headed professional, an excellent psychopharmacologist , and a compassionate person.
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