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Dr. Khaula Khalid, DO

Overall Rating 3
Total votes: 1
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946 Bloomfield Ave #1, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.8041089°
Longitude: -74.207572°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 973-743-1121

Map of the Dr. Khaula Khalid, DO in Glen Ridge City

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Reviews to Dr. Khaula Khalid, DO

Reviewed May 1, 2014 20:34
Review rating 3
- Average #78790
I went to Dr Khalid with a history of PVC's and because my older brother recently had a pacemaker put in. The doctor initially said she might want to put me on a home monitor, but wanted a stress test. I had the stress test today which she pronounced normal, then left the room. There was no follow up conversation, no further mention of the PVC's. I had to ask the assistant who was removing all the electrodes if the doctor wanted to say anything. after finding the doctor, she said the doctor didn't need to talk with me, but wanted to see me annually for follow up. I felt like I was left hanging, with no further mention of the PVC's, nothing to alleviate my concerns. I was disappointed.
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