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Dr. Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 2
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301 E 17th St, New York, NY 10003, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.734391°
Longitude: -73.982993°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 212-598-6674

Map of the Dr. Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD in New York City

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Reviews to Dr. Joseph D. Zuckerman, MD

Reviewed August 8, 2015 21:02
Review rating 5
- Excellent #22955
My experience with Dr. Zuckerman was and still is the best. He is compassionate and has excellent bedside manner. Very concerned about his patients. I had knee surgery years ago both knees the same day and after 7 years I am still elated that he was my surgeon. Keep up the good work dr. I must say that I recommended a lot of people to you and still recommending.
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Reviewed October 31, 2013 19:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #22956
Dr Zuckerman has a wonderful bedside manner. He had no objection when I produced a tape recorder at our first consultation. I had checked out his credentials & experience in advance of our first meeting. I found him to be very reassuring. His office staff and surgeons in training were way above average too! I had total knee replacement in 2009 and am on the way to scheduling the other knee (2013). The deterioration of my knees was due to secondary osteoarthritis (diagnosed with rheumatoid in 1988).

Dr Z had suggested I have both knees replaced at the same time, however, I am a very active person and I couldn't handle the thought of being totally incapacitated. I hit the gym even more religiously in order to have one good leg to stand on;)

Knee surgery is a tough and long recovery but if I had known I was going to feel so much better, I would have scheduled the first surgery sooner!
I'm not going to "tough it out" to the same level of horrific pain level this go around.

For anyone faced with knee replacement surgery: The pain of deterioration will ONLY GET WORSE whereas the pain from recovery only gets better with each passing day!
Knee replacement surgery gave me back my quality of active lifestyle.

I would highly recommend Dr. Zuckerman.
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