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Dr. Jahanshah Seraji, MD

Overall Rating 1
Total votes: 1
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130 Merrick Rd, Lynbrook, NY 11563, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.65813°
Longitude: -73.662475°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 516-596-7600

Map of the Dr. Jahanshah Seraji, MD in Lynbrook City

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Reviews to Dr. Jahanshah Seraji, MD

Reviewed December 7, 2015 17:20
Review rating 1
- Terrible #99316
Staff in the office was great. The doctor seemed really friendly but it takes more than just being "nice" to get me to come back. First of all it seemed extremely rushed. I hate feeling like I can't ask whatever I want because the doctor is pressed for time. It was my first time at the office. You'd think they would need a little more from me, but whatever. Then it struck me as odd that I went in to get a prescription for birth control and wasn't even given a pregnancy test. Now I don't think I'm pregnant, but it would make sense for a doctor to check that sort of thing out first before giving anyone birth control. Maybe it was just me, but her attention to detail is not something I was thrilled about and I will definitely not be going back to them. Ever. Again. Searching for a new gyn or any doctor in general sucks. This is the sort of thing I dread about going to an office for the first time. This will be one less place I have to worry about. And if it is your first time going to this place, don't be surprised if the female doctor gives little attention to details about your body and you feel like you are being rushed out.
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