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Dr. Glenn J. Marie, DDS

Overall Rating 2
Total votes: 3
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739 Woodrow Rd, Staten Island, NY 10312, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.5477471°
Longitude: -74.1908341°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-317-8524

Map of the Dr. Glenn J. Marie, DDS in Staten Island City

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Reviews to Dr. Glenn J. Marie, DDS

Reviewed November 23, 2014 03:46
Review rating 4
- Very Good #2878
I've been bringing my now 6 year old son to this office since 2010, & have been coming here for my own dental care since 2012. We have had many good experiences, including when I developed 2 cavities. Hygienist Cindy & the many young ladies in the office are friendly & ensure our comfort while we are here. The only drawback I can mention is that a couple of times I had to wait about an hour to be seen (this office is apparently popular with many patients), but most every other time our visits have been quick.
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Reviewed March 3, 2011 01:17
Review rating 1
- Terrible #2880
Dr. Glenn Marie's staff are nasty& incompetent women. They messed up all of our coverage information, gave us wrong information and then gave US attitudes after all of their mess ups. You couldn't pay me to go back there.
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Reviewed July 2, 2009 01:25
Review rating 1
- Terrible #2879
About 15 years ago, Dr. Glenn Marie diagnosed five cavities in the baby teeth of my daughter and six cavities in the baby teeth of my son. He suggested drilling and filling them.

I couldn't understand why my kids had so many cavities because I have always been after my kids to brush after every meal since they were weened.

I got a second opinion. Guess what. The new dentist said THEY HAVE PERFECT TEETH. NO CAVITIES.


What a rip-off Dr. Marie is. Get a second opinion or STAY AWAY.
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