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Dr. Erich G. Anderer, MD

Overall Rating 5
Total votes: 2
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948 48th St, Brooklyn, NY 11219, USA
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.640085°
Longitude: -73.9993829°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 718-630-6580

Map of the Dr. Erich G. Anderer, MD in Kings County City

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Reviews to Dr. Erich G. Anderer, MD

Reviewed July 7, 2015 23:29
Review rating 5
- Excellent #130715
I had been suffering with intense lower back pain before meeting this amazing Surgeon. Your love and professionalism for your proffession is what all Doctors should radiate. Thank you for my life back
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Reviewed March 14, 2014 16:43
Review rating 5
- Excellent #130716
I have been suffering with back pain for over a year, and only able to walk with assistance. I went to many Doctors and no one was able to help me. I was referred to Dr. Anderer, after meeting him I was confident he was the surgeon that could help me. He was very honest; he took the time to explain everything to me and was very upfront. I woke up in the recovery room and found that my pain was gone. At first I thought it was the Anesthesia but 2 weeks after Surgery I walked into Dr. Anderer office a new man and totally pain free.

I would highly recommend Dr. Anderer to my friends and family or anyone who needs a well-qualified neurosurgeon, who took the time to listen to my issues and made me a new man again!
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