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Dr. David B. Dornfeld, DO

Overall Rating 4
Total votes: 1
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Opening hours

Monday: Open 24 hours; Tuesday: Open 24 hours; Wednesday: Open 24 hours; Thursday: Open 24 hours; Friday: Open 24 hours; Saturday: Open 24 hours; Sunday: Open 24 hours;
Time zone: Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for Dr. David B. Dornfeld, DO in New Jersey is -5 hours

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1680 NJ-35, Middletown, NJ 07748, United States
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 40.4059331°
Longitude: -74.1290614°

Contact Information

Phone number
+1 848-200-6982

Map of the Dr. David B. Dornfeld, DO in Middletown City

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Reviews to Dr. David B. Dornfeld, DO

Reviewed May 12, 2014 19:57
Review rating 4
- Very Good #43120
I'm a tough patient. Dave is one of only 3 doctors, available in NJ, that I would recommend seeing. Besides being very knowledgeable with alternative treatments, he actually listens to his patients. It's easy to see a doctor who just throws prescriptions at you, but, extremely tough to find one who strives to learn better. He gets two thumbs up from me.
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